Tuesday 3 November 2015

>>> Join us in November - the last day, the last MONDAY 30th. (tentative date) for help and healing as we dare to explore with Dr. Joy Maria Wilson childhood sexual abuse and trauma. I hope Dr. Nancy Murphy from WILD will be able to join us as well.

>>> In Jan. 2015 we have a surprise interview .... and stories from YOU our WILD women as we reflect on what we have learnt and applied.

>>> Feb. 2016 - we want to connect with Joan Purcell, author, politician and Chairman of IS/IVCF of Grenada. She is a vocal advocate on good governance and a strong proponent of a biblical worldview. She has written VISION OF CHANGE  - A Caribbean Perspective. The plan is to invite Joan in to do a face on face at the Esther Centre for Transformational Leaders and couple that with a conference that provides training/development for  50 women mentors and their mentees. Joan's other book "At HIS Feet" - caters for both Bible Study and Application. Copies of VISION OF CHANGE will be available early in December, 2015.

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