Wednesday 9 September 2015

My WILD Effort >>>

So in March this year Dr. Grace sent me a copy of WILD- Women In Leadership Development:
Stories of amazing women - all alive and well who are making waves in their
respective nations.
When I read it, I thought,
"I need to bring some women for my regular 3Ts...Tea Think and Talk."
But it was not to be with just me and my buddies.
With the help of dear Dr. Dan Dale, a Bakke Graduate University Professor
and her team, we started WILD meets!
So here are bytes of our last meet held Aug. 27, 2015:

WILD meetings give us a chance to personally debrief. We are often on automatic pilot mode, doing the same things over and over.
We move on. Life goes on. So for our busy leaders, this session was an oasis.The last time we pondered 'purpose'. This time the buzz word was 'thinking'. We decided to factor in time to think... about:
>>Our personal roles in education and people development
>>Systems we work in and how we can improve them...

Action points
Some action points taken by WILD participants AUG. 27:
+ Make models and manipulatives (Mathematics) for primary school students - Mathematician/ Physicist
+ Continue to work with underprivileged youth - teach reading - Educator
+ Connect deeply to each other - make efforts - - Military/Security
+ Work for development of a safe house for battered women thru' government ministry - Probation Officer
+ Empower young workers + more intentional about helping single women - - Banker
+ Work with Primary School children to develop thinking skills - - Director Dominion Schools
+ Support WILD effort in Guyana - President of The Language Institute

Veda (September 9, 2015)