Monday 3 March 2014

Hmm.. Reflect and Renew **

*Beginnings - my vision*

In January  this year I resigned from my position of National Director for Child Evangelism Fellowship, Guyana after almost 19 years of full-time ministry. Prior to CEF I was on staff with Inter School- Inter Varsity Fellowship for five years. I am presently working on an MA in Global Urban Leadership and for the first time after many years I have a window of time to re-focus on issues and challenges I have evolved through.

I would love to build a community of those concerned (and even reach out to those who  have given up on things church/ ministry) and who will be willing to live in the tension of reflecting on issues that we would rather not deal with in our newsletters, reports and annual general meetings. More than often I have found that leaders do not want to address mess - perhaps out of fear, lack of knowledge or simply because of their own spiritual reality. But like iron sharpening iron, we can find solutions and be challenged and changed to 'become' a reflection of Jesus in our world.

For practically half of my life I have been involved in ministry aimed at making disciples of children here in a Two-Thirds world context where in spite of valiant efforts by some/many there are still strong undercurrents of divisions and turf wars.
Yet I do know however, some of the most giving and loving believers and leaders who are like 'Jesus with skin on'. Just simply amazing! Wheat and tares must grow together right?

Children in  a Daniel Prayer Network workshop.
Preparing prayer wheels to use to
 intercede for missionaries in Pakistan.

We are not a cohesive church but Sis. Bernice Walcott ( Christian Activist & Intercessor) however, insists there will  be a revival. I am believing with her that this is indeed pending. Efforts at coming together have met with much success in some parts  and for others just window-dressing kind of participation.Well I guess I even have to ask the question what a cohesive Guyana church will look like? Will we continue to have a 'command and control', hierarchical kind of leadership bent on 'my way or no other way'? Or will we see more of the 'Servant' ( John13) approach? Will we engage civil society, incarnating ourselves in its trouble and pains - work with them to see consistent medical mishaps and domestic violence curbed ? Will there be the much needed prophetic leadership that will stand as a voice on behalf of the voiceless?  "Guyana has one of the highest rates of suicide" (

 I have been mulling over a scripture recently:

Eph.5:27.. that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 


When is this possible? And what does a church that is holy and without blemish really look like? I know that various denominations have differing standards of holiness locally. I found myself gagging with shame and repulsion when I saw how Jesus was portrayed in Preachers of LA. But then this is what  the Californian version of Jesus is for some churches and these guys are still my brothers. But back to our Guyana context  how do we flesh out the 'without spot and wrinkle .. holy and without blemish' individually and corporately? Would love to hear your thoughts.

*Refreshing -  truth*

The highest evidence of a close communing with God is not a haughty holding of the truth and a separation from all who do not see it as we do. We are to endeavour to correctly partition the word of truth, but we are also to endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit in the tie of peace. Truth, too often, has been held in hate. Truth in love is the key to the approval of God and to the hearts of His saints.....
        Truth, in love, is sometimes silent, for fear of offending. It is often grieved, but does not retaliate. Above all it does not, like Peter, cut off the ears of those who oppose, for it is patiently waiting for the time when the ears will be healed, not hurt.
        Let us, who believe in ultimate reconciliation and present conciliation complement our belief by a most gracious and loving exercise of the grace we have received in our contact with the world and with His beloved saints!

                                                                           Adolph E. Knoch

*Relate - Join me for a cup of tea! ( Regular Lipton for me..)*

Listen to - By your side - Tenth Avenue North

Overlooking the Caribbean - Dominica
Shalom!  See you soon!


Sunday 5 January 2014

All things bright and beautiful?

Awesome music. Oh praise God! Thank God for what He created the earth - the world to be.
"All things bright.." seem to be in such stark contrast to the scene of Muktar Jalloh spreadeagled on hot earth screaming, blood springing forth ( sorry to be so gruesomesad), " Chop my left hand.. my right hand is my future.."
Wrapping my mind around last Sunday's Sermon about how God wants us to prosper financially as well ( Pastor  was not endorsing the prosperity gospel) and at the same time reflecting on the believers in Kenya's slum church praying for food left me with a sense of unease. Our causal generalizations about God and how HE works is  often off tangent with global realities.
But the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. So Lord my prayer for myself and classmates tonight is:
Help us draw near to YOU -- to listen, to learn and to act upon what you teach us so we can be what you created us to be. Amen.
Vedawattie Ram - Veda